Photos this page: At Sea (Myrtle Beach, South Carolina, 2019); Lotus in My Dream Garden (Bloomington, Indiana, 2021.)
All paintings, photos and videos on this website copyright K.D. Self, 2023.
Since March 2020, I have daily painted and locally shared Being Now images and text as Zen chronicle. Four years later, I am making select images available for sale. Being
Now Meditation paintings are available as original art, notecards, and prints.
--K.D. Self
Pricing varies but most 8x10 originals are around $100; most 5x7 originals are $40.
Print copies are half these prices. Many of the four years of paintings can be viewed at my YouTube channel:
Being Now Meditations by K.D. Self @KDSelf9967
Please contact me via email to
inquire further.
A nontraditional writer,
photographer, painter, poet--
A lifelong learner--
I celebrate human diversity and
choose creativity, joy, kindness, beauty.
I want to live in a world where respect
for self, compassion for others,
mindfulness about our fragile planet,
peace, and social justice prevail.
--K.D. Self
Being Now Meditations